Thursday, August 8, 2013

Kick start!

Hey for all those who want to b a uncommon yet related to mankind....i hav a few words...for getting oneself into tat position needs to b like making things move around us rather than we movin in search outside n atlast compromise tat's al we fall into...its preference by compulsion n not by priority or passion....for a person who wants to cook t flesh seeks fire instantly...with jus fire n nothin more it is jus incomplete...for those who hav burning sensation innstantly feels to hav a medicine even without a notice tat he/she has not had anything to eat....only with themselves realizing t fact they move in for search of food...but if t case is i hav everything upfront a plan n t way to execute....probably i won't need to toss up a coin as to what i should preferably do.such a thing has to b instantaneous n it comes ly thro practice...know what  u really want,plan their possibilities...execution is always a step jus before t finish line...well begun is a definite done...n i like ppl who go by definite path seeking no one for what they want to b....literally speaking they don't hav any plane to hold a upper hand but they know t art of flying...tat makes them to fly even from scratch without a cry of empty-mindedness...Attitude of ppl towards work approach may vary with luck....but a bird with even a injured feather need not necessarily stop flyin from is t case of every person towards life..."live the way u love to b"   (cont...)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Steve Jobs'S Presentations-Simple catchy wildfire!!

But How,....
Here are some possibly known secrets behind Steve's presentations,..

Genius. Legend. Visionary.
These are but a few of the superlatives that have been used to describe the late, great Steve Jobs.
But beyond his business acumen, the man behind Apple®computers and Pixar Animation Studios was perhaps the greatest keynote speaker of our time. There are more than 57,000 links to his presentations on YouTube.

Here are Steve Jobs' ten secrets for insanely great presentations.
  1. Plan in analog. Brainstorm in advance of creating your presentation. You can use pen and paper, a whiteboard or, better yet, a mind map.

    Plan in analog

    DO NOT use PowerPoint®to create your presentation—it will be used only in the final step! (More on this later.)
  2. Create Twitter-friendly headlines. Describe your product or service in 140 characters or less. Preferably, a lot less. Steve introduced the MacBook Air®as simply, "The world's thinnest notebook." About the first-generation iPod®, he tweeted: "It's one thousand songs in your pocket."
  3. Introduce the villain. Steve saw a presentation as a three-act play that must tell a story, but what is a story without a hero and a villain? Before he introduced the famous 1984 ad to a group of Apple salespeople, he set the stage, casting "Big Blue" as Goliath. "IBM wants it all," he warned, and defiantly asserted that only Apple stoodin its way. His dramatic moment sent the crowd into frenzy.

    While the villain doesn't have to be a competitor, it must be a common foe that your audience will want to join with you in rallying against. Your product is then revealed as the conquering hero.
  4. Create visual slides. As Carmine writes, "Neuroscientists are finding that the best way to communicate information is through text and pictures, not text alone." As for bullet points, Steve never, ever, used them and neither should you. Carmine has a section in her book titled, "Bullets Kill" that describes why you should avoid using PowerPoint to create your presentation.

    "Think about what happens when you open PowerPoint. A blank-format slide appears that contains space for words—a title and subtitle. This presents a problem. There are very few words in a Steve Jobs presentation. Now think about the first thing you see in the drop-down menu under Format: Bullets & Numbering. This leads to the second problem. There are no bullet points in a Steve Jobs presentation. The software itself forces you to create a template that represents the exact opposite of what you need to speak like Steve!"4

    Take a look at the following comparison of bullet-point slides compared to the same information, presented visually. 
  5. Practice, a lot. Most people read their presentations off of their PowerPoint slides. This is why most presentations are boring. Steve treated every slide as piece of poetry and every presentation as a theatrical event. He wasn't a natural presenter; he worked very hard at it. Rehearse your presentation, toss the script and look at your audience. Practice at making it look effortless.
  6. Obey the ten-minute rule. It's a scientific fact that the brain gets tired after ten minutes. Steve's presentations typically lasted an hour and a half. He would break them up into short intervals of ten minutes or less by interspersing videos, demonstrations, or guest speakers. Don't let your audience get tired or you'll lose them.

    A great way to keep your audience's attention when presenting information is though sequencing, which builds the story within a visual one step at a time, making the information much easier to digest.
  7. Dress up your numbers. We often deal with large numbers or data that an audience can't comprehend without context. Breaking them down and presenting numbers visually can overcome this. Notice how much more effectively the chart below illustrates sales figures as opposed to a matrix of data. 
  8. Reveal a 'holy smokes!' moment. Maya Angelou said, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them fe el." Steve Jobs always produced a memorable moment in a pre sentation. When he introduced the MacBook Air, he told his a udience that while everyone had seen manila envelopes floating around the office, what they had never seen was someone pulling a notebook computer out of one—which is precisely what he did. The audience went wild and images of that moment remain emblazoned in people's minds four years later.
  9. Sell dreams, not products. When it looked at the iPod, the world saw a music player. What Steve Jobs saw was a tool to enrich people's lives. Howard Schultz of Starbucks didn't have a passion to sell coffee; his vision was to create an experience: a 'third place' between home and work where people would want to gather. The dream met the customer's need and the product sales took care of itself.
  10. Have fun! When was the last time you saw someone enjoying giving a presentation? Steve Jobs had fun in every keynote. He made jokes at his own expense. While most people give presentations to deliver information, Steve always created an experience that his audience would enjoy and remember. Most importantly, he sold them on becoming a part of his dream, not his product.

(Source: @mail)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Secret To Life-My Views

The Secret to life,
Its hope in u,..
Happiness in u,...
The power to know ur wants,...
The idealogy of neglecting don't wants,....
Visualising things that one wants,..
Living as if we own it,....
Giving hug to oneself,....
U might think its impossible,...
Find mirrors hug 'em,....
U have to b u,..
U have to make things out of heart,...
Not out of brain,..
Tat storms u instinctly,..
Man Cheer up failures neva ever can breathe like us,..
We owe the success of every step we move,...
We may land up tomo,..
But then we reach our destiny,.....
That what we live n love to be living,....!!!!
Thanks For the The movie Secret Which has Shown me way that is sure to be
Must Watch Guys,......
Stay Calm n Positive,....

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Love "My Flavour"

                    I have no part with love but then I am undergoing the sickness of having it. Its surprisingly an effect after watching a movie but its a bit too strong feel. I feel like I too had a love, a breakup and what not everything that two or sometimes more could have to face.!!!

Rabne Bana Di Jodi, Haule Haule Love ..Mera Love ji bolon  acha bahuth lup tup control nahi sahta!!!!
mein heart mein body nahi sahtha,....lost it somewhere!!!!!

Where to find it ???,.....The flavour of mine to love itz making my every kith n kin suffer a lot,.....
I still have no idea on lovology but then ,.THe feel is itself haunting,....
I am loving what i am into,....It is all the mood it has had,....Turning Myself into nothing!!!!!,....

I Love it,.......A Ceratin Flavour of everthing that is even better than best!!!

!!!!!!!#####PSYCHO LOVERS, NEVER THE LOVE######!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Food for Thoughts!

Hey Everyone,

 After sometime of pause I hereby play the melodrama i used to create!

Some stuffs i got to know, may it be the dialogues to the context of the movie.
But then i found it to be serious stuffs teaching everyone something or the other in life.
Behavior of yours cannot be the same as mine but then I suggest you to have the pancake cooked at its best.!

From Shawshank Redemption,

1.outside i was an honest man inside i came to become a crook.

2.In prison man will do anything to keep his mind occupied.

3.In here i am the guy who can get things for you sure,but outside all you need is the
yellow pages

4. Get busy living, or get busy dying.

5.Every man has his breaking point.

6.Dear warden, you were right salvation lay within. andy dufresne

7.I have to remind myself that somebirds are'nt to be caged.

8.Forty years i have asked permission to piss, and i can't squeeze a drop withot say so.

9.Remember Red,hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies

10.I hope pacific is as blue as in my dreams,i hope.

<<<<<<<<If you have anything more add it on in the comments>>>>>>