Thursday, August 8, 2013

Kick start!

Hey for all those who want to b a uncommon yet related to mankind....i hav a few words...for getting oneself into tat position needs to b like making things move around us rather than we movin in search outside n atlast compromise tat's al we fall into...its preference by compulsion n not by priority or passion....for a person who wants to cook t flesh seeks fire instantly...with jus fire n nothin more it is jus incomplete...for those who hav burning sensation innstantly feels to hav a medicine even without a notice tat he/she has not had anything to eat....only with themselves realizing t fact they move in for search of food...but if t case is i hav everything upfront a plan n t way to execute....probably i won't need to toss up a coin as to what i should preferably do.such a thing has to b instantaneous n it comes ly thro practice...know what  u really want,plan their possibilities...execution is always a step jus before t finish line...well begun is a definite done...n i like ppl who go by definite path seeking no one for what they want to b....literally speaking they don't hav any plane to hold a upper hand but they know t art of flying...tat makes them to fly even from scratch without a cry of empty-mindedness...Attitude of ppl towards work approach may vary with luck....but a bird with even a injured feather need not necessarily stop flyin from is t case of every person towards life..."live the way u love to b"   (cont...)